
General Information

Full Name Hayden Outlaw
Date of Birth 09 September 2002
Languages English, Spanish, German


  • 2024-Present
    North Carolina State University
    • PhD in Applied Mathematics
  • 2020-2024
    Tulane University of Louisiana
    • Bachelors of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science with a minor in Philosophy (GPA 3.91)
    • Focus on statistics, data science, machine learning, and computer programming
    • Extensive research experience across multiple independent and university-backed projects


  • 2023 - 2023
    Machine Learning Intern
    National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
    • Streamlined distributed neural network used to decompress cloud particle algorithms in PyTorch to improve performance and decrease computational load, as a part of the NCAR Computational and Information Systems Lab..
    • Conducted data management and processing, as well as model training and evaluation in parallel on the NSF Derecho computer.
    • Collaborated with NOAA and NCAR developers, atmospheric scientists, and hardware engineers to ensure a practical, effective, and meaningful model framework.
    • Presented findings at NCAR SIPARCS Seminar in August 2023.
  • 2021 - 2023
    Algebraic Statistics Researcher
    Tulane University Mathematics Department, New Orleans, Louisiana
    • Researching fitting graphical models from data, specifically the graphicalLasso convex optimization method, and the likelihood of sufficient data points required to fit it
    • Spans numerical estimation, convex optimization, graphical models, statistical inference, and algebraic geometry
  • 2021 - Present
    Station Engineer
    WTUL 91.5 New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana
    • Responsible for the hardware and software architecture of the station, including website management, hardware repairs, music archiving, troubleshooting, and sound system design.
  • 2021 - 2021
    Biomathematics Researcher
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
    • Participated in biomathematical modeling accelerator internship utilizing NetLogo and other agent-based simulation tools to design biological and ecological models in conjunction with teams from Northwestern, Brown, Clemson, Tulane, Georgia Tech, and University of Florida.
    • Simulated gas-particle biochemical signaling diffusion from acacia trees, and their impact on giraffe predation patterns.


  • Python
    • Skilled in python development for applications, data science, and machine learing applicaitons.
    • Extensive use of custom libraries, Conda and Conda-Forge environments, and specialized packages such as NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, XArray, NetCDF, SQLite, PyTorch, Tensorflow, SKLearn, NetworkX, and others.
    • Created and refined multiple projects in local and cloud-based notebook environments with specialized backends and presentation formats.
  • R
    • Capable of importing and analyzing data through statistics, generating measures and sampling distributions as well as visual reports in automated programs.
  • SQL
    • Extensive training in SQL query design, as well as database use and administration on both local and enterprise-grade systems.
    • Familiar with a range of DBMS software, including Microsoft SMSS, and MYSQL Workbench.
  • Java
    • Familiar with Java development and IDE systems, including UML diagramming, javadoc exports, and pseudocode presentation.
  • C
    • Studied operating system and low level program design for resource virtualization and optimal useage.
    • Shell and script capable on LINUX and UNIX machines.


  • PADI Advanced Open Water SCUBA Diver, with extensive experience diving in the Yucatán region of Mexico and Belize.
  • DJ for WTUL New Orleans for three years, supporting New Orleans music and local creative expression.
  • Skiier since age seven, with avalanche and natural disaster response training.
  • Trombone performer in collegiate marching band, orchestral, and small group settings.

Academic Interests

  • Ethical Philosophy
    • Political ethics, and the development of representative and progressive government
    • Ethical machine learning and data science practices to maximze demographic outcome equality of institutions, as well as institutional accountability and transparency.
    • Ethical data sourcing, privacy, and anonymization practices
  • Digital Visualization
    • Programming in javascript, processing, and p5 libraries to create digital artwork and animations.

Honors and Awards

  • 2016
    • Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America